• Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) is an amalgam of many techniques that moves away from identifying a specific symptom and treating it and focuses on a “Pattern diagnosis” assessing balance between concepts such as wet and dry, hot and cold. By identifying an underlying pattern and the organ associated with the pattern, TCVM attempts to return to body to balance.

  • Veterinary Medical Manipulation is a technique similar in many ways to chiropractic care for animals. Using a technique of “motion palpation” we manipulate each joint through it’s passive range of motion and feel for asymmetry or restriction, for spasm or stiffness in the movement and then, using a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust in line with the articulations of the joint, try to improve the range of motion and relieve the restrictions.

  • Has your pet

    • Had problems getting up?

    • Competed in athletic events?

    • Been anesthetized for surgery?

    • Experienced any re-occurring conditions such as vomiting, respiratory or urinary infections, diarrhea or constipation?

    • Had seizures or neurological problems?

    • Is your pet over 7 years of age?

    If you answered YES to even ONE of these questions, Integrative Veterinary Care can benefit your pet’s health

  • Your initial visit will include an in-depth history and evaluation of your pet to not only help determine both its needs and yours, but to create a plan based on treatment goals for its care moving forward. Treatment options will be discussed and may include acupuncture, herbal therapy, and musculoskeletal manipulation.

  • Initial examination $100

    Follow-up examination (for same condition) $50

    Treatment $50

    Consultation $50-100

    House-call visit charge $50

    In-clinic room charge $60/hr

  • At this time we don’t have a brick and mortar facility so you have a couple options. I am happy to come to you and see your pet in your home or, as a second option, we have partnered with All Pets Animal Hospital and they have made a room available for us to use in their Rogers location.

Our sessions will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your pet’s current wellness and creating a personalized plan to fit your goals and their unique needs.

  • Targeted

    TCVM focuses on the underlying deficiencies and dysfunction of the body, getting to the root of the problem.

  • Integrative

    Since achieving wellness is a multifaceted issue, we will be combining the best practices of TCVM and VMM with the traditional medical therapy offered by your regular veterinarian. By integrating our therapies we can provide the best possible outcome for your pet.

What Treatments we may use

  •  Acupuncture

  • Musculoskeletal Manipulation Therapy (Veterinary chiropractic)

  • Chinese herbal therapy

  • Tui-na

  • Food therapy

  • tPEMF therapy

  • App-based Quality of Life monitoring for your pet