Our services

Veterinary Medical Manipulation


By clearing restrictions we enable our pets to move freely. Their joints have a normal range of motion, their muscles have good tone and are elastic, they are free of pain, and the muscles function well to keep the brain healthy and the brain keeps the body moving.

Lameness cases, neurologic cases, dental cases, all can benefit from finding and clearing restrictions in the body. Dogs with dental disease or a recent dental procedure can have significant restrictions to the TMJ and the TMJ has more nerve fibers than any other joint in the body.

Sore necks can present as lameness and the use of collars can exacerbate lower cervical pain. Weakness in core musculature or back pain can present as apparent weakness or dysfunction of the hind end.

Not sure if VMM can help your pet?  Ask, I’m always happy to talk about these treatment modalities.


Veterinary Acupuncture

I like to think of acupuncture as working on the body’s plumbing and regulating the water pressure and clearing out the clogs. By placing needles in various areas of the body we can create micro-traumas that release neurotransmitters, stimulate blood flow, and create action potentials in nearby nerves. 

Acupuncture can have profound effects for patients that are in pain or suffering from neurologic dysfunction. 

Is it right for every case?  Nope. That said it can offer a non-pharmacologic treatment method that is especially useful for our otherwise fragile patients.

Herbal Therapy

Just as Western Veterinary medicine relies on a variety of pharmaceuticals for the treatment and cure of disease, TCVM has at it’s disposal thousands of herbal formulas. Many recipes have been used for hundreds of years and have been shown to be very effective for a variety of conditions.

 The company that I get my herbal formulas from, Jing Tang Herbal, has a full-time veterinarian on staff that is available to consult with us and to advise on any potential adverse reactions between herbals and other medications our patients are on increasing the effectiveness and safety.

TCVM Food Therapy

A house is only as strong as the foundation it is built upon, the health of the body relies on the foundation we create with the foods we eat. By thoroughly evaluating a pet’s diet we can gain insight into the issues it is currently facing. In the same vein, we can manipulate health by choosing better ingredients or preparation methods.


One of the branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tui-na is often used in conjunction with other treatment modalities such as acupuncture. Meaning “to push, lift, and squeeze,” Tui-na uses range of motion, traction, massage, and acupressure to stimulate the flow of energy and blood for the treatment of acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions.

Animals are more than pets, they are family. Many of these pets, as they become older, have one or more concurrent illnesses that complicate the prognosis for survival and a well-lived life. The objective of palliative and hospice care is to relieve discomfort, relieve distress, and maintain the highest quality of life for as long as we are able.

Hospice and Palliative care